Friday, 24 May 2019

My Netball Game

This term in week three we had our netball game. Before the game started we did some warm ups like running arounnd the court several times until the game started.  We lost to the other team they were more experienced than us and they were quite challenging. We got only two goals they got 7.    
Image result for netball quotes

Friday, 17 May 2019

Pink Shirt Day

Today is pink shirt day. The whole school had to wear pink clothes to stand up against bullying.  At Good Shepherd School we support bully free week.  Today I wore a pink top and a pink jaket with track pants.


This term we've been fouusing on the water cycle and so we decided to do a littel experiment.
We got someone to blow a ballon half way and push on it lightly passing it around for everyone to 
have a turn.After that we blew a baloon a bit bigger but we didin't tie the knot we put the ballon in the water then let go.